Category Archives: Milestone Session

Odin-Wild ONE Cake Smash

Say hello to Odin!Odin is the worlds most smiliest kid around (if you don’t believe me, scroll down and you’ll see just how smiley this kid is during his Wild one Cake Smash session) Odin brought so much joy to his cake smash session, in fast I’m pretty sure the only time we heard him...

Marae – Prince Albert Newborn

Say hello to sweet baby Marae!This little doll was a true gem to photograph and I have waited 9 months (and a few weeks) to photograph her session.You see, I have been honoured with photographing Marae’s family over the last couple of years.It started with her mom and dads engagement pictures, then the wedding, then...

Arya – Sitter Session

There is something about this age that I absolutely love! Could it be that they are finally able to sit up on their own and they are so proud of it? Maybe it’s because they can’t yet crawl away and are so content with just sitting? Maybe its because they are just so adorable?It’s settled…...


The sweetest little man came to visit me this week! Say hello to Jonas! I have been waiting to photograph this little bub since the day he was born and his session was filled with so much fun and laughter. Often times during a sitter or cake smash session I will sing to the little...